For years, you have dedicated your time and energy, without reserve, to the animals of Marineland. You stood by them every day, providing care, attention, and respect. You watched them grow, becoming the first witnesses to their joys and sorrows. You forged unique bonds—connections that are difficult to explain to those who do not know your profession. You have demonstrated exemplary professionalism and unwavering passion.
For years, you have been attacked, criticized, and slandered. Some, using lies and distortions, have chosen to make you their target, deliberately ignoring your expertise and commitment. Many, comfortably hidden behind a screen, have preferred to denigrate you rather than seek to understand the reality of your mission.
And yet, it is thanks to you that millions of visitors have discovered the richness of marine life, leaving with wonder in their eyes and feeling inspired to take action for the ocean. It is thanks to you that hundreds of scientists have benefited from the unique bond you share with these animals, contributing to a deeper understanding of the animal world. It is thanks to you that this knowledge and expertise help protect marine species increasingly threatened in their natural habitats.
Today, as political and ideological decisions have sealed the fate of the animals and your own, we wish to reaffirm the invaluable value of your work. As the animals leave Marineland one by one, now more than ever, it is time to pay tribute to your dedication and courage—the true courage of those who act quietly, while so many merely speak without understanding.
You have faced unfounded criticism, threats, and insults, yet despite everything, you continued to do what you do best: caring for your animals with passion and dedication, until the very end. You bore the heavy responsibility of ensuring their well-being in a time of total uncertainty, sometimes at great personal sacrifice to yourselves and your loved ones.
This fight was never about recognition, glory, or money. It was simply about the animals whose daily lives were entrusted to you.
In a world where immediacy and superficiality often take precedence, your daily commitment—learning, questioning, and continuously improving—with the sole goal of ensuring the well-being of the animals, is a rare and precious example.
Some of you will follow the animals to their new destinations, while others will have to reinvent themselves elsewhere, perhaps in new ways. Whatever paths lie ahead, know that your work has mattered, matters, and will continue to matter.
I have the honor of delivering this letter on behalf of the EAAM board and our members. We will publish a copy online to allow as many people as possible to co-sign it, to do justice to your commitment and to express our gratitude for everything you have contributed to this community.
History will remember that, despite adversity, you demonstrated remarkable strength and dignity until the very last moment.
With respect,

Martin Böye
President of the European Association for Aquatic Mammals