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Image by Gabriel Tovar

Lorenzo Von Fersen


Lorenzo von Fersen is an Argentinian biologist who worked with animals in his home country and currently works as the Curator of Research & Conservation, Nuremberg Zoo & YAQU PACHA e.V. In 1984, he moved to Europe where he worked at various universities in the field of animal cognition. Since 1998, he has worked as Curator of Research and Species Conservation at Nuremberg Zoo. The conservation of aquatic mammal species has been an important concern for him for over 30 years, and he coordinates numerous projects, especially in Latin America. In recent years, his focus has been on promoting species conservation according to the One Plan Approach.

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Nos missions

La mission de l’EAAM est le bien-être et la conservation des mammifères marins à travers la recherche, les soins médicaux, la formation, l’éducation, la conservation, la gestion et les activités connexes.



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1000 Brussels

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