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Image by Bart

Barbara Biancani

Secretary, Science & Veterinary

Barbara has been a member of EAAM since 2004. She gained her experience working in several zoological parks and rescue centers in Mexico, Europe, USA and Italy. She is a diplomate of European College of Zoological Medicine and an external lecturer for Universities in Italy teaching management and medicine of zoo animals. She is currently enrolled with the University of Naples specializing in Applied Ethology and Animal Welfare. She believes that the education and sensibilization of the new generation of professionals enrolled in zoo and wildlife facilities, and the general public can have a direct impact on animals’ management and conservation both in situ and ex situ.

She is currently the secretary of the European Association for Aquatic Mammals (EAAM), a member of the ECZM examination committee for the specialty Zoo Health Management, Advisor of EAZA Reproductive Management Group and an active member of National and International Zoological Medicine association.

Author, co-author and reviewer of scientific articles published in peer review journals. She likes to combine clinical medicine, research and conservation and her main interests are focused on physiology, endocrinology, immunology, ethology and animal welfare.

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Our mission

The EAAM’s mission is the welfare and conservation of marine mammals through research, medical care, training, education, conservation, management and related activities.


Rue de la Science 14b
1000 Brussels

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